Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Day 152 - I know that I know that I know

"Even though I worry and get anxious about all the unknowns, I do know that my God has already seen the other side of it and he'll get me there."
~Judy King~


My cousin Judy is on my mind again. I find it interesting how, after years of neglect, I've rediscovered my cousins. I have not been close to any of my cousins since childhood. There was no fight, fallout, or painful disconnect. It was just life drifting us apart. Now, after more than 30 years, I value them, love them, miss them, need them and want to connect and stay connected. Yet several of them are in crisis. Only on the verge of losing them, have I placed value in them. *sighs* It's such a....human thing to do.

I received another update from my cousin Judy. If you're a long time stalker, you now all about her. If your not, then I hope you find what I find in her updates. Each time I read her updates I am humbled and awed by her bravery and faith and I am inspired to continue my own journey. When I think I have it bad, I reread one of her updates and I'm reminded just how blessed my life has been.

I ask you my loyal stalkers, my random passers by and my curious trolls, please pray for my cousins. I'll admit to being selfish. I only just got them back.

Good morning!

I need to ask for your prayers yet again. My latest blood work and CT scan have shown a slight progression of the cancer in my lungs, so we need to begin chemo again. It's a little discouraging to know that we really haven't made a dent in the tumors since they were first discovered back in February of 2009. Each time we stop the chemo they grow back, and now they are larger than ever before.

Thankfully, I've had a long break this time and have regained much of my strength in order to keep fighting. I've made plans to return to Rhode Island for about two weeks and just hang out with my family - on the beach as much as possible! We'll begin treatments as soon as I get back. This time we'll try something different - pills instead of infusions. I will be taking about 6 pills a day for 8-10 days. Then I'll have a week to ten days off before starting again.

This will go on indefinitely. We'll keep track of things through monthly blood work and regular scans. If there is improvement, we can modify the treatments. If there's no improvement, we keep going as long as necessary. The type of chemo that I'll be taking is typically easier to handle physically than what I was on before, so that is a blessing. I should be able to keep working, though tiredness will be a factor. Another blessing is that I'll be able to get quite a bit of it done over the summer, so I'll have a pretty good idea how my body is reacting to it before school starts again in August. There's a song that we sing in our chapels at school that starts out like this, "I know that I know that I know that only the Lord is God. I know that I know that I know that He is in control and I am not!". Even though I worry and get anxious about all the unknowns, I do know that my God has already seen the other side of it and he'll get me there.

I love you all and thank you so much for your prayers.


Today I'm grateful for:

cousins. I don't know about yours, but mine rock.
Judy. Someday I hope I get the chance to tell her just what she's done for me.
God. He knows what's coming and he's getting me ready. All I need to do is ease into my grace and have faith in him.
is determined to learn to submit with grace, put a muzzle on my tongue, and release the anger. I am a work in progress.
love. I has it.
Grace. I has it too, though I'm still looking for it.
my morning workout. It was just soso this morning but I did it and I feel better for it.
lyrics. The song was mentioned in my cousins update and no matter how hard I tried I could not find a MP3 or video of it. I did manage to find the lyrics though.
I know that I know
By: Unknown
I know that I know that I know
that only the Lord is God
I know that I know that I know
that He is in control and I am not
I know that I know that I know,
and I gotta have the courage
to show the world who He is
cause people need to know that they know that they know
that only the Lord is God.

There is no other besides Him.
There is no other like Him.
That’s why I put my faith
and hope in Him alone.
There is no other besides Him.
There is no other like Him.
That’s why I put my faith
and hope in Him alone.


I know that I know that I know,
and I gotta have the courage
to show the world who He is.
‘Cause people need to know
that they know that they know
that only the Lord is God.
that only the Lord is God.
I know that I know that I know
that only the Lord is God.
I know that I know that I know

That only the Lord is . . .
O-o-o-Only the Lord is God!

no longer caring how much God I put into my blog.
my husband. He is putting up with my constant changing with more grace than I would. Ya think he loves me a bit? Yeah, I think so too.
music in a little red mustang. Sally rocks Bill Gaither like nobodys business.

I found this when searching for the song Judy quoted.
It gave me peace of mind
It also reminded me of something Pastor Ken would often say

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