Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Tuesday Gratitude

This morning I blew off my morning work-out, soaked in a hot tub and watched a production of "Hamster does chicken". How awesome was my morning?

Today I'm grateful for:

discovering the healing power of gratitude. It changed my life and worth a repeat.

faith. This morning I had to remind myself "With God all things are possible" "I" can't fix it or change it or stop it. All I can do is pray "Thy will be done" and hang on. I fear, I fret but I have faith and I'm working on letting it go. I have to take my own advice and only deal with what I have power over. *takes a deep breath* I leave it in your hands Lord. Forgive me if I keep trying to take it back.

peace. My life is peaceful now. I look forward to coming home and when I get there, the worst thing I have to complain about is the Pixie forgetting to take out the trash and hamster poop. Our life used to be a warzone. The man and I dreaded going home. Landmines, traps and drama awaited us on the other side of our own front door. While I can look back on those years, from the safe distance of time and remember the good, I must recognize the bad. Recognizing the bad keeps me from repeating past mistakes and makes me grateful for today.

discovering the beauty and adventure in the mundane. I've had this on my list several times before but it's a biggie. If you can see the beauty and adventure in the everyday then it never gets old, the love stays fresh and life remains basked in yellow. I'd say it's worth a repeat.

staying true to my limits. I've marked my boundaries. "I" have moved them from time to time but I have not allowed others to cross them......*sighs* OK, so I've gotten better at it. This is on my "things to do" list.

lists. I am a HUGE maker of list. If you haven't guessed. I make lists for everything. To do lists, have done lists, women I'd do lists, things I'm OK with being wrong about list, goal list, gratitude lists and so many more. I love lists. They energize me, organize me, praise me and validate me. Lists are my tool to keep the OCD at bay. My life would be lacking without my lists. The best thing about my lists is that they support my life not overshadow or consume it. Took a shrink, and orc and a lot of hard work for that balance to be struck.

the hamster. Every morning I can count on him doing SOMETHING to make me laugh. This morning Hamster Productions put on a porno. Looks like he and the chicken must have made up after their fight yesterday. All I can say is that my bike will be relieved to hear of this new relationship.

my bike. It's colder than a witch's tata in a brass bra in January but I still enjoyed my bike ride last night. Roxie, Roy and I are braving the cold for a little healthy exercise.

Lilly. I'm not sure if she has a better equalizer or if they've improved the audio on the gen. 5 iPods or what but there is a NOTACALE increase in sound quality. I am using the same head phones and the same car audio system but the sound is 100 X better. *shrugs* It could be all in my head. It's been known to happen.

proper goodbye hugs. I just LOVE it when I can give the man a real goodbye hug and smooch. Normally I'm on the stationary beast and it's no more than a quick peck. This morning I got a two arm, burry my face in his neck, morning man smell hug. Total awesomeness that.

Vet appointments for the hamster. He's developed a cough and it's freaking me out. I'll take him to the Vet tonight and the Vet will tell me I'm acting like a first time mother and that he's fine. Seriously, the hamsters cough makes him sound like a pack a day smoker. It's freaking me out.

Shhhhh, be vewy, vewy, qwiet...

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