Friday, November 13, 2009

Raw Detox

I am preparing for a "raw" detox. If my writing becomes skewed and terse, you now know why. Below is the first of 5 "prep" emails. It's annoyingly perky. Even for me. I will suck it  up and embrace it's spirit. We shall see where this adventure takes me. My starting weight: 192.2

The Perky Email:

Welcome to the first day of your preparation week, Beth.

Are you getting excited?

Maybe a bit nervous?

Fear, doubt and skepticism are par for the course, especially when it comes to the area of diet and health.

We've all been through the food roller coaster more times than we can count.

And yet, I've all encountered people who have made positive, lasting and permanent changes to their bodies and their lives, with no turning back or roller coastering afterward.

One of the most powerful ideas I can pass along to you as we start to prepare for the 7 Day Detox, is this:

What you resist, persists!!!

If you go into this experience thinking of all the things you will NOT be able to eat, if you're obsessed with thinking about the body you do NOT want to have, the way you do NOT want to feel, the weight you do NOT want to carry, you will be working against gravity. Your objective in this is to stay focused on what you WILL be experiencing and the health and energy that you DO want to create for yourself.

Sound okay to you?
As you prepare for this detox, take some time to imagine the colors and crispy freshness of the foods you'll be putting on your plate. Feel your body thriving, tingling with a new-found vibrancy because of all the amazing foods you're putting in your body.

It's not about all the things you'll be missing out on, it's about all the amazing things you'll be able to enjoy in a way you may never have done before.

Just put yourself in the space of feeling your best. Own it now with your thoughts, so that you can embrace it with the rest of you very soon. ;-)

See yourself getting active. Feel your body as it firms and tones. Your cells come to life and circulate with new enthusiasm and gratitude for the care you're taking for yourself now.

I just know you are going to be marvelously successful with this, so relax and enjoy the process.

Your homework assignment for today is to read The 7 Day Diva Detox Questions & Answers Page:

I know the urge is great to bolt ahead, but past detoxers have expressed that they got the most out of the detox when they slowed down and did only what they were instructed to read or do each day as the information had time to really register with them. So take the time to really explore your daily assignments this week!

If you've not yet had a chance to pop into The Powder Room and meet other detoxers, now would be a great time to do that!

You're going to feel amazing, Beth!

Tomorrow I'm going to pass along all the planners and things you'll need for the detox!

Grapefruits and Giggles,



If you feel you could benefit from additional support throughout the detox, you might like to check out this complete Menu Planner that we've put together specifically for this 7 Day Diva Detox:

Please note that this menu planner is not required to be successful with our free program and was not included in the original detox, but was added as an additional and optional support component for those who felt it would be helpful.

You are not required to purchase the menu planner to have a complete and positive 7 Day Diva Detox experience!

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