Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear Diary - Friday Gratitude

Dear Diary:

OK, so the week in review? The weekend sucked but was saved in the end by BLT's & sock monkeys, Monday was a Monday and marked by a 2 lb weight gain, Tuesday I got a PUPPY!, Wednesday I water fasted, Thursday I tried to intimidate a hamster and failed, Friday is PAYDAY!

How's that?

Considering how much I've written in my lists this week, a Dear Diary review just seems redundant. I think I'll just leave it at this and get on with my Friday Gratitude.

Today started out way to early. My poor man got a call in the middle of the night from work. He had to work about 2 hours from home then drive into work at 4 A.M. I hope they let him go home early.

My day however, started out quite nicely. Granted, when the phone rang at 2 A.M. the hamster started dancing but he settled down quickly and with the man's side of the bed vacant, he had more room to stretch. I kid you not, that hamster stretched himself into a Mastiff. When the alarm went off I was jammed to one side of the bed and he was luxuriating like a prince on 3/4 of a queen sized bed. Misty used to do the same thing but at least she had 20 lbs on her. This little bugger is 2 lbs if he's an oz. Amazing. In spite of that, I was exceedingly happy.

Other than when the phone had rung, I had slept through the night. This detox is yielding some surprising results. I thought for sure with the amount of water I was consuming, I'd have to move my blankets and pillows into the bathroom but no. The last 2 nights I woke up ONCE to pee. Wow. Oh and what's left of my lady parts are working much better. Now THAT was a total shocker! I thought those parts were dormant for good. I'm in day 3 of the detox and I am utterly amazed by the changes. Even with cheating w/ coffee. I am now down to 189.2. This is the weight I was 4 months after I quit smoking and had my first weight melt down. Funny, 189 don't look so bad from this side. Just more proof it's all in your perspective. Oh, and Roy went potty outside! Twice! He had an accident this morning but that one was my fault. He had gone all night without going and I assumed I had time to make coffee before I walked him. That's a My bad not a hamster bad. Yes, today is going to be a good day. I just hope the poor man can get some sleep. I hope Roy lets him :/

Today I'm grateful for:

piles and puddles outside where they belong. Good boy Roy!

Shank confirming what I feel. I am down to 189.2 lbs. I have not been here since January. I know it's a mere 6 lbs but it makes a huge difference in how I feel and how my clothes fit. Perspective is everything. Now, when I kick in my work-outs WITH my diet the pounds are gonna fly off. Looks like Skinny Granny was right. I am one smokin hot granny.



Roy the Good Boy. He's still a humping hamster but he is eating regular and making deposits outside. Our life together is going to be a long and happy one. I can't wait till he grows into his collar so we can go for walks. I've asked Santa for a basket for the big pink bike so we can go on rides together. I can't wait for Roy to meet Irving and the bubble gum pink car and the winking cat and all the other joys of his neighborhood.

My poor tired man. He's been at work nearly a full shift now and still going and I know he has to work tomorrow. He works hard so we can live the life we do. Oh, and he's hot.

My Mom calling me her Sunshine. I'm a 46 year old woman and I can go back in time and feel like a 6 year old again. In a good, flashback, kinda way. I dig it.

Kelly coming for dinner. Whoohoo! I get to talk to the baby bump and continue where I left off with the pre-programming. "You love your granny. Granny gives you cookies. Granny lets you jump on the bed. Granny don't yell like Mommy. Granny gives you the FUN toys."

David's good report from school. *sighs* Really? Kindergarten already? Where does the time go? I miss my royal duo :(

coffee. Copious amounts of hot coffee. With Pruvia and creamora. Yes, I know. This is counterproductive to a detox but screw it. Next time I do the detox I'll go all the way. I plan on doing it again after the holidays. For now? More coffee please!

Garden Pixies. I just realized my youngest has not been on my list in awhile. Have I told you lately how awesome my Pixie is? It's not just that she is a fundamentally good kid but I LIKE her. I like the way she thinks, I LOVE her imagination, it just comes to life in her drawing. Have I told you guys she's an amazing artist? Well she is. And my Pixie has a heart the size of Texas. She loves with her whole heart. Her love comes out in her hugs and kisses. Her hugs are painful and her kisses are wet. That's just because they can't contain all she wants to put in them. She is epic, hippie, Strawberry haired, big hearted awesomeness in near woman form. When I stop and think about how close I came to missing out on knowing her, the weight of regret nearly crushes me. Thank you Lord for waking me in time.

Lisa sounding upbeat and happy on the phone. Even if it's a snow job it was nice to hear. I miss talking to THAT Lisa. She and I used to have so much fun. I hope I get her back one day. I see glimpse of her every now and then. In the mother’s day photos, in the baby bump photos, when she talks about her man and occasionally on the phone. I want THAT Lisa to come out and play. I remember playing hooky with her and having so much fun. I remember sitting out under the car port of the McCahill house talking for hours. I remember car rides with her as co-pilot. I remember "I break with thee, I break with thee, I break with thee. Then I throw dog poop on her shoes." Steve Martin is a must for any road trip. *sighs* She will come back to me. I know she will. She loves her mommy. I just need to be patient.

Today's Poohism: “Poetry and Hums aren't things which you get, they're things which get you. And all you can do is go where they can find you.” This is pure Pooh awesomeness and oh so true. Tomorrow I'm gonna go where they can find me and I'm taking Roy with me.

Ari: THAT look is what I'll remember in my old age.

David: So grown up

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