Saturday, May 30, 2020

Day 3 - Contrast

Taken with my phone

Taken with my camera

These are very different photos. Both only had the contrast boosted. My question is: Have I lost it with my camera. Do I no longer know how to use the damn thing or is the camera on my phone just that much better? 

This is Brutus
I got him in 2010

Before I spend a ton of money on a new camera and lenses I have to figure out of it's him or me. I'm not quite sure how to do that. Any suggestions? While were're at it, any suggestions on how to compensate for body shake? I've lost everything because I had to choose between sanity and photography. I'd at least like to be a reasonably skilled armature.  

Like the contract between Brutus and my phone, my old life and new life are in start contrast. One is made all sweet and bright by time and this one is washed out in comparison. I need to stop reading backwards and continue forward. Who knows, if I change my perspective maybe my view of this life and of Brutus will improve. 


Today I'm grateful for:

God. I ask, He answers, I ignore, He loves

Joe. He puts up with a lot of crap. He's a good man. 

Joe's house. I needed a place to live and he moved me in here less than a month after we started dating. I was living with my parents and when they were placed in the nursing home they lost it. It's a great house with an even greater back yard. I'm a very lucky woman. 

new breaks on the car. Now I just need tires. I will be driving 1,200 miles this summer so it's kinda important.

anticipation. My grad-kids are going to spend most of August with me. I can't wait!

great weather. While I HATE the RI winters I LOVE the RI summers. 

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