Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Day 279 - Making Time


"When you die, you leave behind people who can talk about you."

This is the kind'a stuff I think about when I'm laying awake at 2:00 AM. I started out thinking about the last set of photos, the one's from the graveyard Georgia took me to and how I wanted to edit them. From there I thought about how great my life was right now and how I've changed what people will say about me when I'm dead. I believe for the better.

3 years ago if you would have asked my husband to sum me up in one word, it could have been "Wife" if you'd have asked him what I do, it could have been "World of Warcraft" and if you would have asked him if he love me he would could have said "Yeah, sure I do". None of which is bad but it reflected something quite profound and painful to me. Now? Well I'm not sure but I'd like to think it's no longer flat and one dimensional. Perhaps "Life" "Live" and "Yes, THISSSSSSSSS much."

Yes, I've come a long way but I have a ways to go. I still need to learn to make time for what really matters. If you were to see my new schedule, you will see that I've made time to write book 2, to work out - OK, walk, to do my list, and to read my Bible but nowhere on that schedule will you see what really is most important to me. It's time for a new and updated schedule:

Way to freaking early when the alarm goes off: Say prayers

5:45AM kiss favorite human goodbye and try and talk him into playing hooky with me

6:00 - 7:00 AM shower, shave, pluck, scratch, brush teeth & hair, write book, kiss spawn goodbye and say "I love you, have a great day." or something to that effect.

7:AM - 8:AM commute to work, listen to Andy Stanly teach me what's important to God and remind me my days ARE numbered and to make them count.

Sometime between 7:00 AM and 3:45 PM send favorite human an "I love you" text or reply to one sent by said human. Talk to Lisa, email Mom being sure to tell each how much I love them. Track down Kelly if possible and tell her too. Also generate list

4:00-4:15 PM June will call and check in. Be sure to tell her too.

4:30-5:00 PM - commute home, no radio, listen for God and avoid letting other drivers make me do something stupid.

5:00PM - Whenever: Make dinner, eat dinner in the company of those I love and TALK to them. It's OK if mouth is full. Specially if it's for entertainment & grossing out.

5:00 - 5:05PM working out. OR 5:00-6:00 PM walking with Roy

6:00-8:00 PM - laptop, photo editing, Facebooking, blogging, Bible reading (Turn that damn thing off Beth! SHOW him he's your favorite. Don't make him guess)

8:00-10:00 PM High Quality face time and epic hand holding with my Favorite human. Oh, and any child wandering through in need of parental mocking, poking, and being goffered.

10:00 PM - 12:00 AM quality sleep

12:00 AM - Way to damn early when the alarm goes off  AM intermittent sleep and random thoughts while listening to favorite human soar my favorite lullaby.

Yes, that looks nice. We'll see how this works for awhile. *nod nod*

Peace ~

Today I'm grateful for:

schedules. They may mock me and give God a fit of the giggles, but they show me what I value and call me out when I get it wrong.

making time. What will they say about me when I'm gone? I don't know, but I hope it's "She made time matter"

my favorite human. He never said "you're not making time" he just continually tapped my mouse hand and then trained the dog to do it.

reprioritizing. Even in a life of gratitude and epic awesomeness, occasionally one needs to reprioritize.

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