Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 273 - Bible Camp in Review Vol. 1


OK, so how do I follow that? 3 ghost guest writers extraordinaire? You don't even try. You simply say a gracious thank you and continue on.

Thank you Guys. You were amazing.

<-----Look at what I've done to myself!

Right so, it's time for me to stop with this paper and pen stuff. THANK YOU LORD! YOU I'm lucky you guys never had to read this mess. You've never had to read my handwriting or decipher my creative spelling. SERIOUSLY why don't sheet paper come with spellcheck? Can you geeks out there get to work on that? I want to take my paper lists and transcribe them day by day into my blog. Problem is......I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHAT I WAS SAYING! ARRRRRG!

Anyway, over the next few days I will be working like a NSA cryptographer. Once the code has been broken I'll repost it with some photos. I was going to do one GIANT post but mom says "OH Beth Ann, don't do that. It will be overwhelming." and you know I always listen to my Momma. *raises eyebrow in warning to my children*

So, today I will post Day 267 also known as day 2 of 6.

Peace ~

Day 267 - Safety in Numbers

We are 9 strong. 9 women of God. 9 women seeking. 9 women who made it to this place in this time safely. Ready to seek, ready to listen, open to joy and ready to share a moment.

There is safety in numbers. We are 9: Nancy, Bonnie, Lynda, Beth Ann, Deb, Roxanne, Tammy, Linda, Donna.

Peace ~

Today I'm grateful for:

9 women. Some family, some friends turned family, all happy to be here.

being in the "younger" cabin. I'm the eldest of the Jr.s but hey, "I" have the M&M's


Bible Camp

Fall colors. They are pale and just beginning but it's enough.

coolness in the cabin. Dude, IT'S HOT in NH! What the heck???? We could go swimming!! At least we got the cabin on the water and with the windows open and the fan on, there is coolness. Let me apologize in advance to my bunk mates for my sleeping attire. Consider this your only warning.

light on the water. Newfound lake is wearing her sunset finest.


a new to me purse from Auntie. This thing is awesome! Yes, yes, I know, I'm supposed to be all about God and the Bible and worship, but dude, this thing is amazing! It's like the clown car of purses. Stuff keeps going in and there's ALWAYS room for more! All my purse items, all my camera bag items INCLUDING THE CAMERA. In fact, 2 cameras. With pockets, and pouches, and key bobs and strings and it's a back pack! Throw it over one shoulder for every day, throw it on the back for photo crawling. Total, radical, purse awesomeness. And the fact that it came from my favorite Auntie just takes it to a whole new level.  I think it started out as a "loan". Guess I should have warned her I steal things. It's OK, we are in Bible came. I can pray for forgiveness, she can pray for my rehabilitation.

Dubbed the "Silver Bullet" she carried us safely

I have no idea what these two were doing,
but any time someone this age
can get a leg up that high, it's worth noting. 

This was a HUGE source of amusement for me
6 pairs of shoes for Bible came
Sorry mom, it's STILL funny.

9 woman all needing blankets, pillows
towels, soap, and SHOES =
a LOT to pack

I'm neater at camp than I am at home
Go figure

I just had'ta put this in.
PJ's in public just screams
"Mock me!"
Now that she's 900 mile away,
well, yeah, I bet I'm still grounded.

We are 9 

Deb the wise and strong

Donna of the beautiful laugh

Roxanne the fearless
Tammy the Calm. She adopted us last year.
Nancy the Prayer Warrior

Linda the Brave. She adopted us this year.
She is brave or insane.

Bonnie the Open

Lynda the Awesome

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you had a fabulous time. I started attending a women's retreat, hosted by my friend's church, with her a couple of years ago and it was amazing. I always came home from retreat feeling cleansed and refreshed and ready to take on the world. Unfortunately, neither of us could attend this year, so I am attending vicariously through you.
