Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 204 - Mental Health Break

Today I'm Grateful.

When I walked into my office and saw what boss 2 had done, I very nearly quit. In the midst of chaos my office was in shambles and nearly swallowing the room was a mammoth desk. A desk so huge there was little room for anything else. I wandered around the office muttering and wringing my hands for a good 30 minutes. Then I said a quiet prayer, got over my snit, stuffed the desk in a corner and got to work putting my office back together. That was my first mental health break of the day. For that I'm grateful.

3 hours later, once again overwhelmed by angry and shouting freaks, I grabbed my bucket of cherries and went for a walk. I walked from my office, to Mussette's office, to Julies office, to Wanda's office, to the conference room, to Max's office and back to mine. All the while munching fresh Rainer Cherries. That was mental heath break number 2 and for that I'm grateful.

2 hours later, when beaten up by more crisis management, I left the office for lunch. Something I never do. I went to Einstein beagles and got a turkey avocado thin bagel sandwich and a rainbow sprinkle cookie. I worked while I ate my lunch, but the cookie? I savored that cookie. I opened the blinds and stared out the window while I ate. I ignored the ringing phone, the questioning faces at the green door, and the "You've got mail" notifications and ate every bite of that pretty cookie. Mental Health break #3 was the best yet. For that I'm grateful.

3 hours later Julie yelled "Beth I'm holding the door open! Run!" and I did as I was told. Have I told you folks how awesomely, phenomenally, radically, spectacular Julie is? Mental health break #4 was that I left on time. I'm awesomely, phenomenally, radically, spectacularly grateful for that.

This week of hell is over. Boss 2 was back today, boss 1 comes back Monday. Praise God. There are no words capable of describing how grateful I am for that.



  1. Mmmm! I love reading your blogs. Seriously.

  2. Wow Beth another week from hell. It's over now - whew! Hugs and best wishes for a better week to come. Love, TLC
