Sunday, February 28, 2010

Day 59 - The Word of the day is: quixotic

quixotic: foolishly impractical; also, capricious, impulsive.
“One of the basic causes for all the trouble in the world today is that people talk too much and think too little. They act impulsively without thinking. I always try to think before I talk.”
~Margaret Chase Smith quotes~
Today I'm grateful for:
being impulsive. Our church youth director sent me an email. In my normal smarty-pants way I replied "Put me in Couch!" Now I will be leading the 4th grade class every other week. Ms. Amy has magical powers of Christ. I'm going with the idea that God is leading me to do this. That this is meant to be a learning and growing experience. Um, yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. *whispers* I'm scared...

signing "I wanna dance" & "Boogie Nights" in Kidstuff (children’s worship) and making voodoo dolls in Upstreet (Sunday school). I'm a bit scared that some of those dolls looked like me. I don't think I was a big hit today and next week I'm on my own. Pray for me.

the phrase "My coolness is blinding" uttered by the Pixie. A) she's right B) she was able to say it with humor and humility. I love my kid. She never ceases to amaze me. She's just one cool human.

Sundays. God took my broken compass and lead me to the 4th grade class. Sunday brunch was a hit. I got to love on my other mother. All Hail Sally is in session. It just don't get better than this. THESE are the moments, that when strung together, create a fulfilled life. I am beyond blessed that God has given me the ability to recognize them.

the BFF's new camera. She is over the moon about it and we now have a date for a St. Augustine crawl as soon as it warms up. She says I can play with it too. My BFF rocks dude.

the ability to be quixotic. To most, after reading the definition, this may seem like a negative, but the ability to act spontaneously is a gift. There is this guy at my church, his name is Kenny and he is quixotic in the BEST sense of the definition. His boisterous and spontaneous personality is used like the Pied Pipers flute. The youth of the church, even those hard to reach and snooty tweens are drawn to him like a magnet. I want to be more like Kenny when I grow backward. Consider this one of those "future" gratitudes I drop occasionally. I should so ask Kenny for lessons....

hamster ball. It's a game the Pixie and the Nephew created. They sit on the floor and scoot the hamster back and forth between them with their feet. At first I was going to yell at them "What the heck do you think you're doing?? That is a hamster NOT a ball!" but before I could open my mouth I caught sight of the hamsters face. He was happy and playing and having a ball. *hangs head* pardon the pun, I just couldn't resist. So, I did what any self respecting mother would do. I encouraged the activity and grabbed my camera.


Today's core message for children’s worship. It's "Honor God Out loud" and the bible story was about how Kind David danced in the street and the Jews blew horns, sang and danced when the Ark of the Covenant was returned to Jerusalem. It spoke of how you can let loose, show joy and look undignified in the worship of God. God not only approves, but enjoys it. Perhaps one day, this stick I've been trying to remove will become dislodged and I will be able to dance like a write. Free, unrestrained and uninhibited.

I crossed "break free and dance" off my original goals list saying "My dancing and freedom are in my writing" and I believe this still. I write freely and hold nothing back. BUT I still want to be able to just be silly or to dance. My fear of "looking stupid" robs me of so much joy and spontaneity. It represses me and confines me. I think I'm going to put this on the new list. One day...


  1. Quixotic has to be one of my favorite words EVER! When I saw this post's title I was so stoked that you're into it too! Great minds...!

  2. it is a great word ain't it? :)
