Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesday Gratitude

Whoooohooo! 2 days and only 1 indoor hamster pile! I do think it's more "trained human" than "housebroken hamster" but I'll take it. Let's see how he chooses to get even when I put him in the Santa Suit I bought. Oh, and he's taken to sleeping UNDER the covers. When the man comes to bed he has to dig for hamster before he can lay his weary head. Consistency and routine are turning the freak alien hamster into a proper little dog. ~WOOF~ Could this be an end to "The Hamster Chronicles"? Perhaps, but I anticipate Roy the Boy giving me years of material. Stay tuned.

Today I'm grateful for:

gift giving. I made Kelly a gift. I was like a kid who just couldn't wait! Kelly said I called her 10 times and text 5. What can I say, I was excited! The idea was the mans, but I worked hard on that album. When I finished it LATE Sunday I wanted to drive to her house and give it to her right then. I was a good girl and waited. I started calling her at 7:30 A.M. She called me about 5 P.M. but she agreed to come to the house to get it. It was a photo album of red leather filled to the brim with every photo of the Redbird I could find but it was the inscription in the front that made us both cry. I LOVE it when a gift is "the perfect" gift. The right gift to the right person at the right time. When it's handmade it's even better.

Walkies. There were much less leash snapping and "NO"ing last night and the man said we were out for 50 minutes. NICE! Didn't feel that long. At least not for me. Since the temperature drop, he is reluctant to "sit". When commanded he gives me this pained expression and tries to "sit" with his boy bits just off the pavement. Can't say that I blame him.

the wrapping elf. I leave items in the Pixie's room and they appear wrapped under the tree all ribbon'd and bow'd and tagg'd. Very spiffy.

190.4. Down a full pound since I weighed in Friday Morning. I have NO idea what I'm doing right but I have a sneaking suspicion the Christmas cookies I've been addicted to are laced with some sort of fat melting chemicals. Must be an early Christmas gift. OH. MY. GOSH! THERE IS A SANTA!

God. He has helped me let it go. I'm all about the happy. Thank you Lord. Um, you may have to help me let it go again....repeatedly. Can I ask for forgiveness now? Like a salvation credit? Or a Layaway plan for heaven? Cuz I KNOW I'm gonna need more help. Sorry Lord, I am a weak sinner.

Wendy's chili on a cold day. Total hot bubbly cheesy goodness in a travel sized cup. *burps* (OMG I just saw the sodum count!)

the man gifts! I finally think I got one worthy of him. It's NOT his big gift. In fact, it's one of his cheaper, smaller gifts but I knows my man. Oh, and my man is physic and not allowed anywhere near the tree. I have the hamster and the Pixie on Guard duty. No, I mean it. He once guessed a sweater that we had boxed in a box in a box in a box the size and shape of a snow shovel. He is just plain freaky in his accuracy.

free lunch. The boss is hosting a Christmas Lunch for all the employees. Um, that would be ME, Oh, and the PM's too, but really it's just for me. *eyes the new guy with that "fear the spork" look* From Al's Pizza. THE best pizza place in Riverside. *drools*

riding on the Autobahn. Oh yes, I will. Thankyouverymuch

today's Poohism: “You can't stay in your corner of the Forest waiting for others to come to you. You have to go to them sometimes.” Took me 45 years to learn a lesson that was right there in my Pooh book all along. When I left my little corner, I discovered...

My Freak Spawn.
There are no words capable of describing how much I love these girls.

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