Saturday, December 19, 2009

Saturday Gratitude

Today I'm grateful for:

Walkies! We finally did it! Our very first exercise walk! *booty dances with Roy* He LOVED it and was a fairly good boy. I had to do a lot of leash snapping and "NO"ing but we finished strong. We walked all the way to the Vet's office and had his breed officially changed from ChiPoodle to HamJack. OK, OK, ChiRussle. My vet let me name the breed! Well, at least till he researches and comes up with an "official" breed. Can we call him a mutt and call it a day? Either way, he walked 2 miles, didn't back out of the leash and as Momma Bonus? When we got home he went to the back door and barked. I let him out and he peed! Good Boy Roy!

getting 1 batch of cookies made last night. Means I only have to do 2 before church. Oh, and do the laundry, and finish Christmas shopping and grocery shopping, oh and wrapping. THEN I can go to church and help with the Angel Tree dinner. Is it Sunday yet?

getting a walk in. I have been in serious need of a walk for weeks. The stationary beast is OK but just NOT the same as walkies and Roxie. It felt gooood!

not stressin. There is NOTHING on my list that is urgent. Knowing that helps me not to stress out. Oh, and the walkies helped too.

God. He gets me.

sleeping hamsters. I wore his little alien hamster butt out! He's passed out in his transporter. Whooohooo! Want an all natural cure for Hamster ADHD? WALKS! Long, hard and fast. Works like a charm!

The hamster doing HIS gratitude list.
"Momma pweese! Some privacy? I is thinkin here!"

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