Friday, April 30, 2010

Day 121 - Time Warp

"I'm getting a jump on Saturday cuz I'm gonna be having waaaay to much fun LIVING my gratitude to write about it."
~Beth Reed~

On Saturday I'll be grateful for:

not caring about the weather. Indoor or outdoor there will be lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of talk. Oh, and lots and lots and lots more talk. And then there will be the talking about how much we're talking. Oh, and some laughter too.

the sound of the ocean. I hear God's voice in that sound.

a family day.

my mixed bag of mixed nuts I call a family.

Mustang Sally. I love her to bits and pieces. I'm even more grateful I'm not the one stuffed in her back seat.

BFF's willing to babysit alien hamster freaks.

sunscreen. I have two colors. Glow in the dark white and lobster red. Sunscreen helps me stay the former.

sobriety & photographic evidence of it.

my camera. As old as he is, he still has the power to capture life. Nothing more is needed.

the ability to be flexible. I was freaking out about how I was going to do my list while out of town. Then I remembered my list was not about rigidity or even flexibility, but gratitude. Besides, time warps are cool.

embracing life. Moments like these are what I did all that work for. I am a participant in my own life and no longer merely a spectator. Life is awesome and I'm going to spend every single minute God has given me. When God calls me home I'm going with a full heart and empty pockets.

whatever it is God sees fit to do with this day. I am open, ready and willing.

“Well sure, O.K. they’re Outcast,” said some of the younger gulls,
“but hey, man, where did they learn to fly like that?”
Oh don't even play like you didn't see this coming the instant you read the title.

I'm off to pretend like I'm working and count down till I'm not.

Have a great weekend my beautiful stalkers,



  1. I'm gonna print this and carry it around in my pocket. I seem to fall apart every's complicated.

    okay. for whatever reason I had the nickname mustang sally when I was a kid. I really can think of NO reason how it came about. anyway, you reminded me of that and it made me smile.

    And talking...oh, i loves me some talking.

    Have a great weekend!!

  2. Yup, pretty much exactly how it went.

    Oh, and I managed to get it all done today. Including the cooking of a stellar dinner. I rock.
