Sunday, March 7, 2010

Day 66 - Don't pray for Humility if you don't want to be humbled.

“I claim to be a simple individual liable to err like any other fellow mortal. I own, however, that I have humility enough to confess my errors and to retrace my steps.”
~Mahatma Gandhi quotes~

Today I'm grateful for:

recovering from my humility lesson. My back is killing me and I'm covered in bruises, but hey, I'm alive and I have not killed the dog.

winning the respect of the 4th grade class. Amanda told me "they were quiet, dude, that says it right there"

Tylenol. The man is chugging it for the flue, I'm chugging it for the pain. Without it we'd both be bedridden.

all you can eat Sunday at the church cafe. It's only $1 and saves me a fortune.

Sunday drum lessons. With each rhythmic beat of the Pixie's drum, I hear a unique beat.

the phrase "practice makes perfect". Now, I need to get it from my lips to the Pixies head. Want a drum set? PRACTICE MORE.


little girl forgiveness. Well, at least I hope they forgive me. We were supposed to ride together today only Roxie is jacked and so is my back. They looked so upset with me when they left :(

warm weather. At least for the next few days.

Roy and Wilson are still getting along. Thank goodness cuz I'm in no condition to take him for a walk.

not all of God's lessons being THIS painful.

Remember those VooDoo dolls I was telling you about?

In my prayers each day I normally pray something like "Lord let grace and humidly be at the forefront of my life" Yesterday I decided I wanted to focus that a bit and I prayed "Lord, humble me so that I may be a better servant"

You know that old adage "be careful what you wish for."? Well that goes double for prayer. I prayed a prayer of humility and my dog wraps me around a stop sign and I land flat on my back on a public street. Oh, and I had to lead 13 4th graders for the first time this morning. Yup, lesson received, lesson learned. Do NOT tell me there is no power in prayer. I will mail you my doctors bills and steal your Tylenol.

As promised
roy & Wilson

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