Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 268 - My first day as a ghost blogger

This is Amy, or Mrs. Amy as Beth so sweetly refers to me. I am on Beth's blog. Kind of intimidating, humbling, and exciting all at the same time. (giggles nervously) I'm going to do my best here Beth. I have a God print for what He had already prepared from my heart for my second try as your ghost blogger but for this first one I'm writing "off the cuff", with just prayer and a genuine desire to be real and not let you down.

I love your blog and just love you Beth Reed with your gifted, unique and brilliant eye for the beauty around you, and your way with honest words that shares that beauty so that it translates in any language to the universe! I even got "jiggy wid it" and inserted one of your photos from our church. Wasn't sure I could figure it out but you give good instructions and the fact that this blog is linked to your picasa pics site is so helpful!! So my focus of gratitude here is for my church and the fact that God lets me be there and meet wonderful, talented, honest and real friends like you! 

There are lots of good pics from the Argyle Family Picnic but this one is of someone else at our church I'm grateful for. I purposely picked the one where he's looking away from the camera because he's not one to seek attention or appreciation, so maybe he's not ready to be famous. His name is Mr. Tommy. We are blessed with a church full of kind, giving, serving, loving, welcoming, followers of Christ. Mr. Tommy stands out to me because he is the kind of giver that does like the Bible says and gives in secret. Since I have witnessed first hand that he does this out of the goodness of his heart that loves serving the Lord and not for recognition I won't go into every job, mission trip or kindness I know of and everything that he has built, fixed and wired for our church, I'll just focus on the fact that he does this, with no fanfare, no expectation of plaque's or parties, he does it because that's the man that he is. When he does anything, he does it right, not half way. I want to be more like him and pray that my boys grow up possessing this gift of humbly giving their best of whatever they have when God presents a need. 

Today I'm grateful for:

Sweet sleepy heads - I'm using my youngest son's computer to post this and it is in his room. Even this early on a Saturday, when he has to get up before the sun M-F now that he is in jr. high, he hears my typing, asks me sweetly what I'm doing and then rolls over and goes back to sleep. I'm so blessed with my boys, they were sweet babies and they are sweet preteen/teenage boys for the most part. It only gets sweeter from here I'm sure. (if I'm wrong, please don't burst my happy little bubble)

New opportunities to see old friends - Today my family is having lunch with an old friend and her family. We have known each other since we were neighbors at the age of about 3 years old. We've lost touch since highschool but through our golf coach, who became and is still like my second father, we connected again. Don't know what God's plan is for the long term, but for today, I'm grateful to get to see her again and remember days gone by, find out what her life is like now, and meet her beautiful family.

My parents - they live across the street from me and just knowing they are there and a part of my every day life and support is so amazing. My Dad is 80, walks every day and is always checking in to see how he can help and encourage me. My Mom gives me pots with beautiful plants in them (cuz she has about 4 green thumbs to my zero) that make my front walk look pretty and even comes over to water them when I forget. They are the ones who taught me how precious the giving thing is because they have loved me everyday of my 4o something years like that, with their whole heart, just because they get to.

My handsome husband - He's hot, hardworking, so ridiculously smart, is an honest lawyer (yes that is true and possible) is an honest and faithful husband, is a Dad that hugs his boys, is a man so he aggravates me to no end and he's mine.

Okay, there's more but I'll stop now because I want to feed my sweet sleepy heads and look nice for my lunch date. Love you Beth and pray you are having an incredible and inspired time at "camp" with your Mom. You are missed!


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Ms. Amy. You stepped out of your comfort zone and out on faith and blessed my little blog beyond measure.

    Can't wait to see you on Sunday!

